Ringing in the New Year 2025! A year past leaves so many memories & realizations to reflect and learn. We are sometimes so much engrossed in executing our material duties & desires that we forget the whole purpose of this human form of life–our spiritual identification & duties As long as we are in this material world, happiness & distress will come and go. So, we should not be disturbed by them. Our real business is trying for self-realization. That must go on; it must not stop. Self-realization is the goal of human life. Suffering & so-called happiness will go on as long as we have a material body, but we must come to the knowledge that “I am not the body; I am a spirit soul. I have gotten this body because of my past activities. That is knowledge! As we wade through our lives, we do not realize nūnaṁ pramattaḥ kurute vikarma yad indriya -prītaya āpṛṇoti na sādhu manye yata ...