Tact to diffuse!


Sri Krsna further said to Arjun: As disrespect is equivalent to death for one that has always been honoured, I suggest you show some slight disregard for Yudhisthira, to keep your vow intact. This can be accomplished if you simply address him as “you” instead of the formal “your honour”


But in response Arjun spoke very harshly: O king, Bhima may have the right to criticize me, for he is an un-retreating hero that has killed many thousands of warriors in battle. You have no such right, however especially while lying here on Draupadi’s bed after fearfully fleeing from the battlefield


Frankly speaking, I’m not very enthusiastic about fighting to regain the kingdom you foolishly lost by gambling. Because of your addiction to dice, you plunged your entire family into depths of despair & yet you still have the nerve to ask us to fight so that you can take back the kingdom you had stupidly lost. As if this was not enough, you are such an ungrateful wretch that you criticize me for no reason


Arjun was very soft hearted by nature & so he was afraid of deviating from the path of virtue. After speaking to his elder brother so harshly, he was very depressed. Having plunged into an ocean of despair, he suddenly unsheathed his sword. With great surprise, Sri Krsna asked: What is it you intend to do Partha?


Arjun replied: I will kill myself, for I cannot bear to go on living after acting so abominably towards my elder brother


Sri Krsna said: Dear Arjun, by committing suicide you will sink down into an even lower hell than that which you would have to attain for killing your elder brother. Instead, I suggest you kill yourself by boasting of your own glories, for to become too puffed-up with false pride is in itself spiritual suicide


Accepting this advice, Arjun bragged: O Krsna, I have already single-handedly killed half of the Kaurava army, while my impotent brothers & allies have more or less stood aside as spectators. Now it is my solemn promise that I will kill Karna this very day & thus prove that I’m not merely a heroic talker


After saying this, Arjun put his sword back in it sheath. With folded hands & his head hanging down in shame, he begged forgiveness from Maharaj Yudhisthira & assured him that he would quickly return to the battlefield to fight with Karna. He touched his brother’s feet & prepared to depart


It takes lot of efforts to diffuse a potentially deadly situation. Here Sri Krsna uses his wizardry of words. He buys time for situation to calm down & frayed tempers are then soothed. He did not allow either Yudhisthira or Arjun to lose face and also allowed Arjun to fulfil his promise and atone for insulting his brother. In this manner, the younger brother’s anger was calmed, and the elder brother’s respect was also maintained


Huge lessons for all of us. Not every quarrel needs to be resolved with the use of the sword. This learning can be used to satisfy opposing egos of people & impending wars can be avoided


Thoughts! #gameoflife


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