Arjun was very anxious wondering how Karna would be killed, so that a cold sweat covered his entire body
his fear, Sri Krsna said: My dear Arjun, you have already proven by your heroic
deeds that you’re to be counted amongst the very best of warriors. What to speak
of this world of men, even the celestials would find it difficult to vanquish you
on the battlefield. Of course, you should never disregard Karna, not even for a
moment, for he is at least your equal, and perhaps even your superior in battle
are now only five formidable warriors remaining on the Kaurava side: Karna,
Salya, Asvattāma, Krpā & Krtvarmā. I admit that you may have good cause to
be lenient with four of them, but there is absolutely no reason for you to show
any mercy to Karna. It is upon Karna alone that Duryodhana has depended on all
these years, and thus he is the root cause of all the misery you & your
brothers had to endure
should remember how Karna was always envious of you as a student. It is for
that reason alone he took the side of the Kauravas. Can’t you even now hear the
terrible insults he heaped on helpless Draupadi at the time of the gambling
match? Do Karna’s cruel & piercing words that he uttered as you departed
for the forest still not ring in your ears? You should know for certain that
this wretched son of a suta deserves to be killed for his sinful behavior
see how the Pāncālas are being consumed by Karna, and yet these brave warriors are
not fleeing from the battle. Still, there is absolutely no doubt that if Karna
is left unchecked, he will soon completely exterminate the entire Pāndava &
Pāncāla armies
Krsna spoke very strongly just to incite Arjuna’s anger. After hearing Lord’s words,
Arjun felt relief from his anxiety. Having resumed his normal cheerful
attitude, Arjun replied: My dear Krsna, with You as my protector, I am
confident that victory will be mine. I know that it is not because of my own
strength & endeavor that the enemy will be vanquished. It will be by Your
mercy alone
pratyavāyo na vidyate
sv-alpam apy asya dharmasya
trāyate mahato bhayāt
service in devotion to the Supreme Lord Krsna - In this endeavor there is no
loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from
the most dangerous type of fear
in Kṛṣṇa consciousness or acting for the benefit of Kṛṣṇa without expectation
of sense gratification, is the highest transcendental quality of work. Even a
small beginning of such activity finds no impediment, nor can that small
beginning be lost at any stage
means unflinching trust in something sublime. When one is engaged in the duties
of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, he need not act in relationship to the material world
with obligations to family traditions, humanity or nationality. Fruitive
activities are engagements of one’s reactions from past good or bad deeds. When
one is awake in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, he no longer endeavors for good results in
his activities. When one is situated in Kṛṣṇa consciousness, all activities are
on the absolute plane, for they are no longer subject to dualities like good
and bad. The highest perfection of Kṛṣṇa consciousness is renunciation of the
material conception of life
followed it & is guiding us also to do the same
Thoughts? #gameoflife
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