Delusion! Ghatotkaca rushed at Karna while sending forth showers of arrows and presenting a very fearful sight, for his face was copper-coloured and the hair that covered his body stood up like stiff bristles. His ears were devilishly pointed, his broad mouth stretched from ear to ear, and from that fearful mouth four large sharp teeth protruded over his lips For a long while, the battle raged equally, without either gaining the upper hand. Finally, considering Ghatotkaca incapable of being killed by conventional means, Karna began invoking celestial weapons. In response, Ghatotkaca & his army employed their Rāksasa powers of illusion, so that the battle became exceedingly ferocious When the Rāksasās began showering torrential volleys of sharp-edged rocks upon the Kaurav soldiers, they deserted Karna & fled from the battlefield. Despite this, Karna quickly dispelled all of the Rāksasās’ illusion with his arrows and then pierced Ghatotkaca very painfully w...