
Ghatotkaca rushed at Karna while sending forth showers of arrows and presenting a very fearful sight, for his face was copper-coloured and the hair that covered his body stood up like stiff bristles. His ears were devilishly pointed, his broad mouth stretched from ear to ear, and from that fearful mouth four large sharp teeth protruded over his lips


For a long while, the battle raged equally, without either gaining the upper hand. Finally, considering Ghatotkaca incapable of being killed by conventional means, Karna began invoking celestial weapons. In response, Ghatotkaca & his army employed their Rāksasa powers of illusion, so that the battle became exceedingly ferocious


When the Rāksasās began showering torrential volleys of sharp-edged rocks upon the Kaurav soldiers, they deserted Karna & fled from the battlefield. Despite this, Karna quickly dispelled all of the Rāksasās’ illusion with his arrows and then pierced Ghatotkaca very painfully with a powerful shaft


In retaliation Ghatotkaca invoked a celestial cakra that was bedecked with valuable jewels & whose edge was as sharp as a razor. As the blazing cakra sailed through the air, Karna cut it to pieces and so Ghatotkaca next hurled a mace. Karna smashed that weapon as well & so Ghatotkaca soared into the sky & began showering trees upon his adversary. Karna easily cut all of those trees with his arrows & so Ghatotkaca resumed fighting from his chariot


Karna proceeded to simultaneously pierce Bhima’s son with numerous arrows, kill his horses & break his chariot into many fragments. In fact, Karna released arrows so quickly that soon there was not a two fingers’ unpierced space anywhere on Ghatotkaca’s body. Although he thus appeared like a giant porcupine, Ghatotkaca remained undaunted as he continued to assume diverse forms while retaliating with his own arrows


Ghatotkaca made himself invisible & then showered numerous weapons from the sky, causing terror to enter the hearts of Kaurava warriors. Karna retaliated with a celestial weapon, but in response Ghatotkaca assumed a very ghastly form having many heads. With this form he devoured all the missiles that attacked him


At the next moment Ghatotkaca appeared to be lying down fatally wounded upon the battlefield. When they saw this, the Kaurava warriors shouted with joy. Immediately thereafter, Bhima’s son was seen roaming over the battlefield in a huge form having hundreds of heads & bellies. At one moment the came close to Karna to challenge him. Then immediately after that, he was seen laughing grotesquely while soaring thro’ the sky


We all also live in a world full of illusions. There are so many temptations that allure us & then leave us disappointed. When the content of an experience blinds us to its context, that blinding effect is the essence of illusion. We get so caught up in the experience of the body that we forget who we are – that we are spirit soul in this material body. This experience makes us oblivious to the experiencer, the soul – which is the source of our consciousness


Thus deluded, we are eternally bonded in this material body and forget our true constitutional position. We thus live in misery under the three modes of material nature and forget our real position of being eternal, blissful & fully knowledgeable. Suffering thus also becomes eternal till we come out of thus illusion by philosophical education and personal introspection


Krsna says:

yadā viniyataṁ cittam ātmany evāvatiṣṭhate
nispṛhaḥ sarva-kāmebhyo yukta ity ucyate tadā


When the yogī, by practice of yoga, disciplines his mental activities and becomes situated in transcendence – devoid of all material desires – he is said to be well established in yoga


Let’s come out of this worldly delusion

Thoughts? #gameoflife


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