Are we deluded? As Duryodhana suggested to downplay Lord Krsna’s visit to Hastinapur, Bhisma argued: Dear Dhritrāshtra! You should receive the Lord with greatest respect & be ready to execute whatever instructions He may give. Because Krsna’s will is infallible, it behooves you to follow it voluntarily. If you disobey Krsna, you’ll have to suffer the consequences & thus end up lamenting the rest of your life Duryodhana said: We cannot follow Krsna’s advice, for I’m unwilling to go through’ life sharing my kingdom with the Pāndavās. Pls listen as I now disclose to you the plan I have devised. When Krsna arrives tomorrow, we will take Him captive and hold Him as our prisoner. When the Pāndavās and the Vrsnis hear of this, they will have no alternative but to surrender to us There was a stunned silence! This crazy idea was very painful for Dhritrāshtra to hear. Becoming very agitated he implored: My foolish son! Never dare mention such a thing again! Krs...