If it’s not what it should be!
When Dhritrāshtra heard from spies that Krsna had departed for Hastināpur on behalf of Pāndavās, his hair stood up on end with wonder & delight. He ordered Duryodhana to make all possible arrangements for Lord’s reception. At this time, he described Krsna as master of demigods & the creator, maintainer & destroyer of cosmic manifestation. He knew that if Lord Krsna was pleased, all his aims would be accomplished but if He was displeased, he would certainly suffer grave consequences
Duryodhana had great pavilions erected & stocked them with an abundance of every conceivable enjoyable object
At this time Dhritrāshtra said to Vidura: Tomorrow Krsna will arrive & I’ll give Him a vast amount of wealth, including 16 golden chariots. I'll send all my sons out of city to greet Him, with an exception of Duryodhana, & will provide Dushasana’s palace for His residence, as it is superior even to Duryodhana’s
Vidura said: It is very encouraging to see how you endeavor to please Krsna. However, you should know that even if you present entire earth to Him, it wouldn't be sufficient. Don’t you see that you’re not serving Krsna with a virtuous motive? This reception is an act of deception on your part hoping to gain His favor. I know that you’re not willing to give Pāndavās even 5 villages they requested. So, I understand that this royal welcome is arranged with hopes of alienating Krsna from Pāndavās
Dear brother! This is a very foolish idea. Lord Krsna & Arjun are absolutely inseparable. It is my prediction that Krsna will not even accept any of our gifts, except customary water for washing His feet & your inquiries about His welfare. It would be better for you to give Krsna what He is actually coming here for-the establishment of peace between Pāndavās & your sons
Duryodhana said: Father, I also believe that Krsna is inseparable from Pāndavās. As there is no hope of winning His sympathy, what is the use in worshipping Krsna with such a lavish reception? He’ll simply think that we’re respecting Him out of fear. I must admit that Krsna deserves highest worship, but in consideration of present circumstances, I suggest that we play down His arrival at Hastināpur
Camouflaging our behavior with selfish motives does not serve our cause. If our actions are sugar-coated with self-serving agenda, the end is a disaster. We may sometime succeed in deceiving others but how can we cheat the Supreme Lord, who is sitting in our hearts as Supersoul. He stands vigilante about all our motives at the core. We just cannot hide anything from Him
If it is not what it should be, we're just wasting our efforts, accelerating our failure sooner or later
Krsna says
upadraṣṭānumantā ca bhartā bhoktā maheśvaraḥ
paramātmeti cāpy ukto dehe ’smin puruṣaḥ paraḥ
Yet in this body there is another, a transcendental enjoyer, who is the Lord, the supreme proprietor, who exists as the overseer & permitter, and who is known as the Supersoul
Thoughts? #gameoflife
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