

Arjun falteringly questioned his brothers about Abhimanyu. He knew that only Abhimanyu could penetrate Kaurava’s circular formation, but also that his son was unable to come out of it. Deeply mortified by thoughts that raced thro’ his mind & alarmed by his brothers’ silence, Arjun suddenly declared: If I’m not able to see my son this very minute, I’ll go to the abode of Yamarāja, if need be to bring him back


While tearfully lamenting at great length, Arjun wailed: Oh! My heart must be made of iron, for it has not broken into 1000’s of pieces upon learning about my dear son’s death. Arjun recalled how he had heard the victorious cries of the sorrow & with tears in eyes, he inquired in an agonized voice: O Krsna, why didn’t you tell me about Abhimanyu’s death when it happened so that I could have immediately killed all Kuru warriors that fought against him?


Sri Krsna said: Dear Arjun don’t lament for your son. Such a heroic death is the way of life for a Kshatriya. Indeed, the warrior who fights courageously on battlefield & dies without having turned his back receives highest merit & goes to live in heavenly planets


Arjun asked: My dear brothers, how could Abhimanyu have been killed in your presence? Are you all impotent cowards & were unable to protect my dear son? It now appears to me that the armour you wear & the weapons you carry are merely ornamental decorations


Arjun sat down, overcome with anger & grief, and at that time no one dared even look at his face. Finally, Maharaj Yudhisthira began to speak, gradually relating to Arjun all that had taken place


He said: After you had departed to fight with Samsaptakas, we attempted to attack Drona but were immediately repulsed. Then as preceptor proceeded to exterminate our army, I approached Abhimanyu & requested him to penetrate Kaurava ranks, assuring him that all our leading warriors would follow in his wake. But, after Abhimanyu broke thro’ the Kauravas’ circular array, Jayadratha was able to check us all due to benediction he had received from Lord Siva. Abhimanyu was then surrounded by six of the greatest Kuru warriors. After fighting with them very heroically he was at last killed by Dushasana’s son


Hearing this. Arjun exclaimed: Oh, my son! And fell down unconscious. When at last he regained consciousness, he appeared almost demented with anger & grief. Looking around feverishly & breathing heavily, Arjun vowed: I hereby promise to kill Jayadratha tomorrow. If I fail to do so before sun sets, I’ll enter a blazing fire


When we lose a loved one, it can overwhelm us, but we need to move on. This seems difficult, as our emotions bind us & our mind doesn't let it go. But we need to understand that we are soul in this physical body & even if one leaves the body, the soul is indestructible.


Our loved one, their soul, continues to exist even after bodily death. They have transited to another level of existence, a level conducive for their spiritual evolution. Understanding that they live on can allay our fears about their fate. Contemplating that they would want us to live fully, not mournfully, we can strengthen our will to heal. Thereafter, when grief hits us, we can see it as a part of our part–a wound in our mind–not as a hole that swallows us whole. By thus re-envisioning grief, we can move on with it


antavanta ime dehā nityasyoktāḥ śarīriṇaḥ

anāśino ’prameyasya tasmād yudhyasva bhārata


The material body of the indestructible, immeasurable & eternal living entity is sure to come to an end; therefore, fight, O descendant of Bharata.


Thoughts? #gameoflife


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