Good Vs Bad! Rsi Lomasa arrived as sage Dhaumya was speaking to P āndavās about merits of visiting holy places. King Yudhisthira received him with great veneration & subsequently enquired about his purpose to come to kāmyakavana Lomasa Rsi explained-In course of my wanderings, I came to abode of Indra. There, I was exceedingly surprised to see how Arjun was sitting on royal throne next to King of heaven. Indra then ordered me to come here & describe Arjun’s wonderful achievements. Not only has your brother received the best celestial weapons including Lord Sivā’s Brahmasira, but has also become a master in music & dance under guidance of Gandharva Citrasena Indra’s message to you is-O son of Dharma! You can be rest assured that Arjun will soon return. However, you must first accomplish a great task on behalf of demigods, which even they are unable to perform. You should perform austerities & under my guidance visit the holy places of pilgrimage &...