
All citizens of Nisāda kingdom were overjoyed once again to have their beloved ruler, King Nala. They greeted with folded hands & praised him as foremost of monarchs. They held a grand festival as their king escorted Damyanti & his two children back to kingdom. Nala again became the most illustrious amongst kings of Jambudvipa & ruled earth by performing numerous sacrifices and giving abundant charity to Brāhmanās

Brhadāsava concluded his narration to Yudhisthira saying: Just like Nala, you’ll regain your rightful kingdom & thereafter live very happily along with your relatives. If we compare your exile with that of King Nala, we see that you’re in a far better position as your brothers & wife are with you. You also have association of Brāhmanās. Considering this why you should lament?

After hearing the story of Nala & Damyanti, you should understand the futility of mere exertion as a means of counteracting the course of destiny. Since all living beings are subordinate to the supreme will of providence, no one should become overly elated with enjoying prosperity nor be too despondent facing life’s inevitable adversities

O King! I know you’re afraid that after the completion of your exile period, you may be challenged to gamble at the dice board once again. It so happens that I possess the complete knowledge of dice playing with all its intricacies. As I’m very pleased with you, I’ll impart this science to you. Yudhisthira was very happy to learn the art of playing dice from the sage, who after imparting the knowledge departed

Soon after some sages came from Himalayās & informed Yudhisthira that his brother Arjun is now performing severe austerities, likes of which have never been seen before. He is keeping his body & soul together simply by eating air & nothing else

Yudhisthira felt great distress hearing about Arjun’s harsh existence. Without Arjuna, none of the Pāndavās were happy & it appeared that he was their sole refuge. Draupadi, Bhima, Nakul & Sahadev were all very distressed & said that since they feel so unhappy at Kāmyakavana remembering Arjun, who formerly resided here, that they should move on to another place

Hearing these expressions of sorrow, Yudhisthira became even more morose

Sage Nārad then arrived & everyone stood up to greet & worship him. After the great sage was seated, he said-My dear King Yudhisthira! Pls tell me what you desire. What can I do for you?

Krsna says
aśocyān anvaśocas tvaṁ prajñā-vādāṁś ca bhāṣase
gatāsūn agatāsūṁś ca nānuśocanti paṇḍitāḥ

We should all the time focus on cultivate spiritual awareness & purposefulness rather than lament upon the condition we are in. These situations develop to aid us perfect our disposition to execute our responsibilities. There is anyways no room for lamentation

We talk like a learned man, but the one who is learned knows what is body & what is soul,and doesn't lament for any stage of the body, neither in living nor in dead condition

Thoughts? #gameoflife


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