Even the mighty Fall! Karna pleaded: O Arjun! You stop fighting for as long as I’m in this vulnerable condition. Pls do not kill me while I am trying to pull my chariot wheel from the ground. You know very well the code of ethics that forbids a Kshatriya from attacking one with a dishevelled hair, one who is fleeing from battle, a brahmana, one who stands with folded hands, one who has surrendered or who begs for protection, one who has put down his weapons, one whose arrows have become exhausted & one whose armour has become displaced Sri Krsna sarcastically said: Dear Karna, It is very commendable that you have remembered the path of virtue at this time, for wicked person generally criticize Destiny when they are put into distress. Still, it appears that you have forgotten your past misdeeds. Do you remember how you had forced Draupadi to come before assembled Kurus & then had insulted her with harsh words? Where were your consideration of virtue then, ...