Law of Karma!
After telling the story of a crow & swan, Salya said to Karna: The crow became puffed up, thinking himself superior due to being fed the remnants from Vaishya’s children’s plate. Similarly, you consider yourself superior due to receiving remnants from sons of Dhritrāshtra
Don’t you remember how Arjun vanquished you at Virāta’s
kingdom? Have you forgotten how you were first to run away from battlefield
when Gandharvas attacked Kurus? Knowing that Arjun will very soon quell your
false pride once & for all, you should desist from boasting any further
Karna was not about to give up his great pride after
hearing Salya’s words, but they did make him somewhat thoughtful. Karna then
confided to Salya a great fear that he had never expressed to anyone
Karna said: O King! Once, long ago, I approached
Parasurāma in the guise of a Brāhmana, hoping to acquire his celestial weapons.
For that purpose, I remained with him for some time, serving him like a humble
One day, Parasurāma rested while placing his head upon
my thigh. At that time Indra took form of a worm & began eating thro’ my
leg. Even though I felt excruciating pain & blood flowed from my wound, I
was determined not to disturb my guru & so I didn’t move even an inch.
Finally, when Parasurāma woke up & saw the wonderful patience I had
exhibited, he declared: O Disciple, you cannot be a Brāhmana! I demand that you
immediately disclose your real identity
I fearfully admitted that I was in reality the son of
a Suta. Hearing this, Parasurāma angrily cursed me, saying: O wretch! Because
of your duplicity, time will come when you’ll be unable to remember mantras for
invoking Brahmāstra while facing an extreme danger on battlefield. In fact,
because of this lapse of memory, you’ll be killed!
O Salya, I’m still confident that Arjun will not be
able to escape irresistible Brahmāstra arrow. If the time predicted by Parasurāma
has not yet arrived, I should be able to strike off his head this very day, but
there is something else that I fear even more than this curse–that my chariot
wheels may sink into mud
Once, long ago, while roaming in forest, practicing
with my Vijaya bow, I mistakenly killed a calf belonging to a Brāhmana. When he
found out what had happened, He angrily cursed me, saying: O Killer of cows,
one day you’ll experience great fear on battlefield when one of your chariot
wheel sinks into earth
My dear Salya, I tried to induce the Brāhmana to
retract his curse by offering him thousands of cows & vast amounts of
wealth. He refused all my gifts & replied: I’m unwilling to allow my words
to prove false. By suffering consequence of my curse, you’ll properly atone for
the sinful killing of my calf
O Salya, despite your criticizing me so harshly, I’ve
disclosed all this as an expression of friendship. Because your words can never
frighten me, I’m willing to forgive you for speaking so harshly
Despite Karna’s conciliatory speech, Salya continued
to abuse him
The Law of Karma catches us sooner or later. What we
sow is what we reap. Karmic law is to teach us, how it is extremely important
for us to evaluate our actions, weigh them against dharmic injunctions &
then act. Krsna says:
karmaṇo hy api boddhavyaṁ boddhavyaṁ ca vikarmaṇaḥ
akarmaṇaś ca boddhavyaṁ gahanā karmaṇo gatiḥ
The intricacies of action are very hard to understand.
Therefore, one should know properly what action is, what forbidden action is
and what inaction is
one is serious about liberation from material bondage, one has to understand
the distinctions between action, inaction and unauthorized actions. One has to
apply oneself to such an analysis of action, reaction and perverted actions
because it is a very difficult subject matter
Thoughts? #gameoflife
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