Arjuna was blaming both himself & Maharaj Yudhisthir, whose lie was instrumental in pursuing Drona to lay down his weapons & his subsequent killing by Dhrishtadyumna


Bhima after listening to Arjuna, angrily rebuked him saying: It is the highest duty of a kshatriya to give protection to his dependents at all costs. Your speech is more befitting a brahmana. It is you who is at fault, because you’re not exerting yourself fully. You are failing to keep your promise to avenge all the insults we had received from Kauravas. How can you dare criticize our brother-in-law and best ally after he heroically risked his life for our sake?


Dhrishtadyumna said: You should not criticize me for killing Drona. I was created by the demigods & had appeared from sacrificial fire specifically for that purpose. Drona killed my father & many other relatives. How can you expect that I would sit & tolerate this? Didn’t you kill your grandfather, Bhisma & the venerable Bhagadatta?


As Arjun reproachfully glared at Dhrishta, everyone else also remained silent. Sātyaki then angrily declared: O Dhrishta, you should be killed for slaying your guru & then praising yourself for having done so! Infact, if you say one more offensive word, I will crush you to death with my mace


Dhrishta heatedly replied: How can a sinful person like you dare to rebuke one who is righteous? What about your abominable killing of Bhurisravā? Have you already forgotten this? If you go on criticizing me like this, I will send you to the abode of Yamarāja. It is highly unjust that I am being condemned, because both sides have frequently resorted to heinous acts


Hearing this, Sātyaki trembled with rage & his eyes became very red. Hastily grabbing his mace, he impetuously rushed at Dhrishta shouting-I’m not going to waste any more harsh words on you but will smash your head instead!


 At Sri Krsna’s urging, Bhima quickly jumped from his chariot & grabbed Sātyaki. Still the powerful Vrsni hero forcibly dragged Bhima for some distance until the latter firmly planted his feet into the ground. In this way Bhima managed to stop Sātyaki at the sixth step


Sahadev also jumped from his chariot & tried to pacify Sātyaki by reminding him of the friendly ties between the Pāndavas, Pāncālas & Vrsnis. At the same time Dhrishta implored Bhima to let Sātyaki go so that they could fight. Sri Krsna & Yudhisthira then intervened so that at last they were able to bring the situation under control by pacifying Dhrishta & Sātyaki


The Pāndavās then proceeded on the battlefield to confront the onrushing Kaurava army. At that time the Nārayana weapon filled the entire sky with hundreds and thousands of arrows and after that, innumerable maces, iron balls, razor-sharp discs & other weapons. Terrified by this onslaught, entire Pāndava army panicked & fled and within moments countless soldiers were slaughtered


Sometimes we fight within ourselves and lose sight of the external danger befalling all of us. At the time of adversity, we should all stand united and keep aside the differences to work together for a bigger purpose. Each member has a job to kindle high morale and determination of his other team members rather than finding faults


Acronym TEAM stands for: Together Everyone Achieves More

Thoughts? #gameoflife


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