

Seeing how Pāndavas appeared to have given up all hope for victory, Sri Krsna said: Dear Arjun, it is a fact that Drona is unconquerable, but if for some reason he were to lay aside his weapons, he could be killed without any difficulty. Now is the time for you & your brothers to discard all worldly morality & think of devious means for killing the Preceptor. In My opinion, if Drona were to hear that his son Asvattāma, had been killed, he would immediately put down his weapons & stop fighting. Therefore, someone should boldly lie to the Preceptor by falsely informing him of his son’s death


Many of the Pāndava warriors that heard Sri Krsna’s idea liked it, but Arjun emphatically disapproved of it. Obedient Maharaj Yudhisthira hesitated momentarily, but then reluctantly agreed to execute Lord’s plan. While others were engaged in discussing the matter, Bhima suddenly picked up his mace & killed a giant elephant named Asvattāma belonging to Malava King, Indravarma, who fought on Pāndava side


After approaching Drona somewhat bashfully, Bhima thought of the slain elephant & loudly exclaimed: Asvattāma has been killed!


When Drona heard this shocking news he stopped fighting, his face became pale as his heart sank due to intense grief. But, after carefully considering his son’s incomparable prowess, Drona concluded that Bhima’s words must certainly have been false. After regaining his composure, Drona once again rushed at Dhrishtadyumna & the Pāncālas


20 000 Pāncāla chariot warriors had amassed to attack Drona. When they showered their arrows, the Preceptor neutralized them with a Brahmāstra & then proceeded to exterminate everyone who opposed him. Drona quickly slaughtered 500 Matsya chariot warriors, as well as 6000 elephants and 10 000 horse soldiers


After witnessing this great annihilation of Kshatriyās, the brahmarsis Vasistha, Visvāmitra, Jamadagni, Bhāradvaja, Gautama, Kasyapa & Atri came to Drona, desiring to take him to Brahmaloka. The sapta-rsis said: O son of Bhāradvāja, this great slaughter does not suit a brahmana like you. You should lay aside your weapons. You have burnt to death many innocent persons with your Brahmāstra. Since your allotted period of stay on the earth has now come to an end, you should stop this sinful fighting & concentrate upon achieving your eternal destination


After hearing brahmarsis words, Drona remembered Bhima’s statement. At the same time, he saw Dhrishtadyumna quickly advancing with great determination to fight. Becoming depressed at heart, the Preceptor saw Yudhisthira stationed nearby. He anxiously asked: O King, has my son been actually killed or not? Please tell me the truth


dharmaṁ tu sākṣād bhagavat-praṇītaṁ na vai vidur ṛṣayo nāpi devāḥ
na siddha-mukhyā asurā manuṣyāḥ kuto nu vidyādhara-cāraṇādayaḥ


Real religious principles are enacted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. These principles are nistraiguṇya, above the 3 modes of material nature, or transcendental. They are given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. This principle is also stated in Bhagavad-gītā. Sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja: One should give up all other duties & surrender unto the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa. That is the real religious principle everyone should follow


Here Krsna directly is instructing Pāndavās to take the devious path in this war of upkeeping Dharma. His words are final and is Supreme Truth

We should also solely follow the instructions of the Supreme Lord, the provider of all morality rules. There should not be any other consideration

Thoughts? #gameoflife


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