
Showing posts from September, 2024
  Fight in divine consciousness!   As Drona & Arjun waged an incomparable battle against each other, demigods, celestial sages, Gandharvas, Siddhas, Apsarās, Yaksas and Rāksasās assembled in the overhead sky & exclaimed: This battle is unmatched in the history of warfare, for it is being conducted on the basis of spiritual prowess   At last Drona invoked Brahmāstra, causing the earth to tremble, the seas to swell with great agitation and fierce winds to blow. In response Arjun fearlessly invoked his own Brahmāstra. When the two weapons neutralized each other, all became calm. Seeing that neither Arjun nor Drona could gain upper hand, the Pāndava & Kaurava warriors resumed fighting   Dhrishtadyumna rushed at Drona & so Duryodhana tried to intercept him. Sātyaki then came between Dhrishtadyumna and Duryodhana. At that time the Kaurava king addressed the Yadu hero, saying: My dear childhood friend, do you remember how we had played together? In fact, we were practically in
  Teaching Self! The war entered the 15 th day!   As fighting resumed, Drona quickly killed 3 of Drupada’s grandsons while combating Pāncālas. Next, Drona proceeded to ravage the Matsya army & so Drupada & Virāta advanced to check him   Drona immediately broke both of these venerable kings’ bows. Then, as Drupada & Virāta proceeded to hurl lances & spears, the Preceptor not only shattered those weapons to pieces with his arrows, but took away their lives as well   After witnessing death of his father, Dhrishtadyumna vowed to kill Drona that very day. He then rushed at Preceptor with a large army, but because Drona was surrounded by Duryodhana, Karna & many other powerful Kaurava warriors, Dhrishtadyumna could not approach him   Seeing this, Bhima became very angry with Dhrishtadyumna & so chastised him by saying: O Prince, how can you standby passively after watching your father killed? If you are an impotent eunuch, stand aside while I attack Drona!   After sa
  Living with Integrity!   After giving up his determination to personally kill Karna, Maharaj Yudhisthira ordered his army to launch a massive attack upon Drona, and to give support to Bhima. Thereafter when the Pandavas & their allies rushed at Drona, Duryodhana stood ready with the Kaurava army to protect the Preceptor so that a fierce battle took place at midnight   By that time many of the soldiers had become overwhelmed by drowsiness & thus they were easily killed by those who were alert. Other soldiers, in a half-awake, half-dreaming state, killed their own comrades. Upon seeing this, Arjun loudly announced to both sides: Commanders of the armies, let us rest for some time upon the battlefield. When the moon rises, we can continue fighting with renewed strength   The Kurus agreed to this and so the fighting was suspended for some time. Even the Kaurava warriors praised Arjun for this merciful gesture as they lay down upon the backs of their horses, on their c
  No fall downs!   Sri Krsna further said to Satyaki: As long as Karna possessed the means for killing Arjun, I could never sleep properly at night, nor could I enjoy anything peacefully. I don’t consider the lives of My father, mother, or even My own life to be as worthy of protection as that of Arjun. In fact, I could not even think of enjoying the kingdom of the three worlds without Arjun’s association. For this reason, I was overjoyed when Ghatotkaca was killed by Indra’s infallible dart. It was for Arjun’s sake alone that I had sent the Rāksasa against Karna   After Ghatotkaca was killed, the Kaurava warriors roared with great delight and then rushed at the Pāndava army, creating a great slaughter. When Maharaj Yudhisthira saw that his army was being massacred, he became depressed & ordered Bhima to drive back the enemy. After Bhima departed, Yudhisthira sat down morosely upon his chariot, his eyes filled with tears   Sri Krsna came to him & said: Dear King, pls give up yo