Supreme Dharma!


As Arjun cut off Bhurisravā’s arm, he spread a bed of arrows upon the ground with his left hand. Desiring to give up his life by following the vow known as Prāya (fasting until death), Bhurisravā sat down & began fixing his mind upon the Supreme Brahman while observing the vow of silence. Seeing this noble act, Kauravas began to praise Bhurisravā and condemn Sri Krsna & Arjun


Arjun could not tolerate hearing Dhārtarāshtrās speak like this & so he responded by saying: Do you not remember how I had vowed not to allow any of the principal Pāndava warriors to die in my presence? Why don’t you also consider how you had killed Abhimanyu after he was deprived of his armor & surrounded?


When Bhurisravā heard these words, he shamefully hung his head down. Sri Krsna, then gave the son of Somadutta His blessings saying: O great hero, you may now give up your material body without remorse. I guarantee that, after death, you will attain My transcendental abode, being carried upon the back of Garuda


Meanwhile, Sātyaki had slowly lifted himself up from the ground & picked up his sword, which was lying nearby. Sātyaki walked towards Bhurisravā with the intention of killing him & when all the warriors on both sides saw this, they began condemning him very harshly. Indeed, Bhima, Krpā, Karna & many others implored him not to perform this abominable act


However, Sātyaki had become practically deranged because of the intense anger he had felt while fighting. Thus, ignoring all those who forbade him, Sātyaki raised his sword & swiftly brought it down, slicing off Bhurisravā’s head


At this, all Kauravas harshly rebuked him, but Sātyaki replied: Wicked sons of Dhritrāshtra, you are hypocrites & false moralists. Do you not remember how you mercilessly killed Abhimanyu after he was deprived of his chariot & weapons? Besides, once, long ago, I had made the vow of killing anyone that would kick me after throwing me down to the ground while fighting. The great sage Vālmiki once said: In battle, anything can be done that gives pain to the enemy. Thus, all of you are criticizing me without reason, being ignorant of Kshatriya behavior


Although no one on the Pāndava or Kaurava sides replied, everyone mentally gave respect to Bhurisravā & censored Sātyaki


The concept of Dharma is universal & does not depend on one’s own limited understanding or interpretation. It’s like driving a car on the road, where we are part of the whole transport system. If one makes a mistake, it does not only affect him alone but also becomes a threat to the drivers around. One needs to follow the broader rules of traffic management like following the side to drive, lanes, indicators etc. We just cannot say that the rules of traffic management do not apply to me & I will do what I like & think


As such, Dharma is what sustains one’s nature, that which makes one who one is. Similarly, when we live in this world, we belong to various units bigger than ourselves. We are part of family, society, community, nation & thus we have Dharma to follow for each. So the concept of Dharma is universal. The highest Dharma for this human form of life is to offer our love to the divine & surrender ourselves at the lotus feet of Krsna as an expression of love


All other Dharmas are meant to help us to the highest Dharma. Krsna says:


sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ


Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear


Thoughts! #gameoflife


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