Grab or Lose!

As Krsna implored Arjun on why his arrows are not able to penetrate Duryodhana’s armour, he said: You’re knower of everything-past, present & future. Why do You inquire from me about cause of my failure? I think that Duryodhana must have got Drona’s impenetrable armour capable of repelling even Indra’s thunderbolt. Even if this is so, it doesn’t matter. Kaurava king is certainly no more capable of utilizing it properly than a woman. Be assured that I'll vanquish Duryodhana, despite his armour

Saying this, Arjun empowered some arrows with a special mantra & placed them on his bowstring. However, Asvattāma broke those arrows to pieces before Arjun can release them. Arjun was highly amazed & said: O Krsna! I can’t employ this weapon twice. If I were to do so, it would destroy me instead of my enemy

Meanwhile, Duryodhana continued to fearlessly shower arrows upon Arjun & Krsna. Arjun carefully scrutinized Duryodhana & yet could not discern a single place on his body not protected by impenetrable armour. Without becoming disheartened, Arjun proceeded to kill Duryodhana’s horses & driver and at last cut off the leather glove protecting his hand

Arjun then smashed Duryodhana’s chariot & simultaneously pierced Duryodhana’s unprotected palm. Many Kaurava soldiers came rushing to aid their beleaguered king, but Arjun slaughtered them by hundreds. Sri Krsna said: Arjun! Continue releasing your arrows while I blow My Panchajanya conch shell

When Krsna blew his conch, its sound combined with twanging of Gandiva bow. The vibration became so forceful that many great warriors fell to ground & so Arjun was easily able to approach Jayadratha. Bhurisravā, Karna, Vrsasena, Krpa, Salya & Asvattāma came to check Arjun. As battle raged, Duryodhana joined them. The fighting became extremely fierce & when Arjun broke Salya’s bow twice, Bhurisravā retaliated by breaking the goad Sri Krsna carried in His Lotus hand

Meanwhile, Pāndava & Pāncāla armies, headed by Yudhisthira, fought furiously with Drona & his army so that it appeared as if the Preceptor was stake in a gambling match. Yudhisthira rushed at Drona & when the Preceptor broke his bow and covered him with 1000’s of arrows, everyone thought that Pāndava king would be killed

Every difficult situation has a sliver of opportunity from where we can make inroads and come out of it. We can catch opportunities or complaining about them? Whenever we seek to do something special, we may often not endeavor because we feel that we haven’t yet got a special breakthrough. But if we don’t grab or catch small opportunities that we may have right now, that will create a mentality or habit of lethargy and complacency & then even if big opportunities come in future, we may not be able to catch them

Bhagavad-Gita warns about such a self-defeating mentality. Therefore, rather than complaining about big opportunities that we lack, let us focus on catching small ones that we do have right now

ThoughtS? #gameoflife


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