Duty it is!
After fall of Abhimanyu, all leading Pāndava warriors
took off their armour, put down their weapons & sat surrounding Maharāj Yudhisthira.
While brooding intensely, the grief-stricken king lamented: Oh! How I’ll be
able to look at Arjuna & Subhadra? It was my fault that Abhimanyu was
killed for I had ordered him to perform an unnecessarily dangerous task &
then failed to give protection
Just then Vyāsdev arrived at Pāndavas’ camp & so
Yudhisthira and other kings worshipped him with great respect. Finally, when he
was seated, Yudhisthira informed him of Abhimanyu’s death & expressed his
unbearable grief at how the prince had been unfairly killed while he &
other Pāndavas stood helplessly
Vyāsdev said: Dear grandson, you shouldn’t lament, for
Abhimanyu has already ascended heaven. Because death is unavoidable, when
someone attains a glorious destination, it is a cause for great joy & not
sadness. Abhimanyu was a great warrior & was killed while fighting
heroically on battlefield after having slain 1000’s of enemy soldiers. He’s now
living in heaven & so what would be the gain even if he could be brought
back to life here on earth? Pls give up your unwarranted grief & set your
mind upon vanquishing your enemies. Saying this Vyāsdev departed
By reflecting on his words, Yudhisthira became somewhat
relieved of his grief, but when he thought about how Arjun would soon return
from battle, he once again became very anxious, wondering what he would dare say
to his younger brother
Meanwhile after killing innumerable Samsaptakas by
employing celestial weapons, since the Sun had already set, Arjun desisted from
further fighting & set out for Pāndava camp. But while returning, Arjun
felt a terrible fear enter his heart & also he observed signs indicating
misfortune. While sensing tragedy, tears came to Arjuna’s eyes
He enquired: O Krsna! Has some terrible calamity
overtaken Maharāj Yudhisthira, or has there occurred any other misfortune?
Sri Krsna said: Dear Arjuna! Yudhisthira is quite well. There is some trifling mishap you should not
grieve about
Soon upon arriving at the camp, Krsna & Arjun
noticed a terrible gloom & usual sounds of musical entertainment were not
heard. Indeed, all warriors were sitting with their heads down. Arjun anxiously
asked: Dear Krsna, what happened? He saw his four brothers sitting together
plunged into an ocean of grief. This sight caused him to become exceedingly
depressed. Noticing that Abhimanyu was not present, Arjun could guess that his
dear son had been killed
All of us have a responsibility to fulfil in this
human form of life & once that is achieved, leaving this body is a cause of
celebration. A life well lived is a precious gift, of hope and strength &
Krsna says to Arjun:
jātasya hi dhruvo mṛtyur dhruvaṁ janma mṛtasya ca
tasmād aparihārye ’rthe na tvaṁ śocitum arhasi
One who has taken his birth is sure to die, and after
death one is sure to take birth again. Therefore, in the unavoidable discharge
of your duty, you should not lament
Battle of Kurukṣhetra, being the will of the Supreme,
was an inevitable event, and to fight for the right cause is the duty of a kṣatriya
Thoughts? #gameoflife
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