Haste makes waste!

As 13th day of the war started, Duryodhana went to Drona, being very angry & depressed because of Pāndava’s previous day’s successes & said: O Preceptor! It is obvious that you’re intentionally breaking your promise. Even though Yudhisthira had come within easy reach, you refrained from seizing him

These sharp words made Drona feel very hurt & ashamed. He said: O King! You should not accuse me like this, for I am making a genuine effort to fight whole-heartedly on your behalf. What you fail to realize is that with Krsna & Arjun on battlefield, Pāndava’s cannot be defeated. Still, since you're prodding me like this, I hereby solemnly vow that today, I’ll kill one of the leading warriors of Pāndava side. Just keep Arjun away from me, for in his presence I’m helpless to do anything

Drona then arrayed his army in a circular formation. As soon as fighting began, the Samsaptakas challenged Arjun & could take him to a distant place on battlefield. All great Pāndava warriors rushed at Drona, but the heroic son of Bharadvaja fearlessly drove them back

Yudhisthira became very aggrieved & fearful gazing upon unapproachable Drona & went to Abhimanyu, who possessed energy superior to that of Arjun & was embodiment of all the Pāndava’s good qualities. Indeed, he had Yudhisthira’s steadiness, Bhima’s heroism, Arjun’s knowledge of sastra & Nakula and Sahadev’s humility & mild behaviour

Yudhisthira said: Dear nephew! only Sri Krsna, Arjun, Pradyumna & you know how to penetrate Kauravas’ circular “Charavyuh” array. Since Drona is afflicting us greatly & we're unable to retaliate, I request you to break through enemy ranks to route Kaurava army. Pls grant me this boon, for I’m afraid that when Arjun returns, he'll chastise us for our impotence

Abhimanyu said: Dear uncle, I’ll certainly obey your command, but I must warn you that even though I'd learned from my father how to penetrate this formation, I don’t know how to extricate myself if I happen to fall into a precarious condition

Yudhisthira said: Son, many Pāndava warriors, including myself, will follow you when you penetrate Kaurava army. So, you can be assured that there is no reason to be afraid. Abhimanyu’s intelligent chariot driver took his master aside & said: O Sire! I beg you to carefully consider whether you're capable of successfully executing exceedingly difficult task entrusted to you

Still, Abhimanyu didn’t hesitate to accept his uncle’s order, nor did he feel any fear. Thereafter, when Abhimanyu rushed towards Drona, followed by all great Pāndava heroes, the Kaurava warriors stood ready to face onslaught

Abhimanyu’s example is of bravery & selflessness. But it also brings to light a fact that hasty decisions based on incomplete information almost always end badly. Haste makes waste & half-lessons always lead to trouble. Duryodhana also made hasty decisions & was not willing to analyse the reasons why his adversaries had an upper hand in war

Thoughts? #gameoflife


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