

Virata’s son Uttara, rushed at Salya while riding upon a gigantic elephant. Although Salya tried to check the infuriated beast, it crushed his horses underfoot. While remaining on his chariot, Salya picked up a fierce dart & hurled it. That dart pierced right through Uttara’s armor, shattering his chest & causing him to fall dead from the back of his carrier. Salya jumped from his disabled chariot & with his sword, cut off the elephant’s trunk, making it fall to ground dead while using terrible shrieks


Salya got on Krtvarmā’s chariot while Uttara’s brother, Sveta madly rushed at him, accompanied by other great chariot warriors. Seven leading Kaurav warriors quickly came to protect Salya. However, Sveta displayed such amazing prowess that he first cut their bows in half with 7 arrows & then knocked down their flags with 7 more


As Sveta continued to rush towards Salya, Bhisma & Duryodhana finally checked him. At that time many Pāndava heroes joined in the fray so that a very fierce battle took place. Sveta continued to blaze up with fury, slaughtering many thousands of enemy soldiers so that the entire Kaurava army retreated out of fear. But at the same time, Bhisma massacred 1000’s of Pāndava soldiers, making them withdraw. All others became spectators as Bhisma & Sveta faced each another


Sveta successfully counteracted Bhisma’s arrows, while at the same time he attacked the Kaurava army. Seeing this Duryodhana gathered his troops & rushed to Virāta’s heroic son. Due to this Sveta momentarily turned his attention away from Bhisma to face Duryodhana. After quickly routing the Kaurava army once again, Sveta turned back to face Bhisma


These two heroes continued to pierce one another with innumerable arrows. Sveta performed an amazing feat by breaking Bhisma’s bow into 10 fragments with 10 arrows & knocking down his Palmyra emblem. Seeing this wonderful accomplishment, the Dhārtarāshtra’s became afraid for Bhisma’s life while Pāndava warriors blew their conch shells with great delight


Duryodhana sent Krpā, Salya & other leading warriors to Bhisma’s rescue, but Sveta managed to simultaneously foil all their arrows. Becoming enraged, Bhisma picked another bow & yet Sveta broke that as well. This caused the Kauravas to become more alarmed, but in an instant Bhisma strung a stronger bow & killed Sveta’s 4 horses, beheaded his chariot driver & knocked down his banner. Sveta jumped to the ground & Bhisma took advantage by showering innumerable arrows at him


Undaunted, Sveta picked up a powerful dart. While all the Kauravas gasped in fear, he hurled it with great force. Bhisma cut it into fragments as it soared thro’ the air, making the Kauravas shout with joy. Sveta became mad with rage & appeared bewildered about what to do next


Our destiny is determined by our intelligence. The choices we make in our lives radically alter our life trajectories. But the world in which we live in is so complex & bewildering that we get confused about what to do & what not. We may get lost about our purpose & our path


If we are Krsna consciousness, then the Supreme Lord guides us from within & thus our intelligence is evolved


teṣāṁ satata-yuktānāṁ bhajatāṁ prīti-pūrvakam
dadāmi buddhi-yogaṁ taṁ yena mām upayānti te


This is Buddhi-yoga, intelligence dovetailed to Krsna


Thoughts? #gameoflife


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