Lamentation! Arjun lamented as he saw his relatives on the other side of the battlefield and filled with compassion said: This massacre will only result in evil. So many dynasties will be destroyed, causing their family traditions & moral standards to be discarded. The unprotected women will give birth to unwanted progeny who will thereafter make the world a hellish place to live. O Krsna! If out of greed I fight this sinful war surely, I will have to eternally suffer in hell as punishment After saying this, Arjun threw down his bow & arrows and dejectedly sat on his chariot. Sri Krsna chastised Arjun saying: O descendent of Bharata, this behavior is not at all befitting an Aryan (one who knows the higher values of life), and it will never lead you to heaven. Give up this weakness of heart & fight, for that is your religious duty as a kshatriya kutas tvā kaśmalam idaṁ viṣame samupasthitam anārya-juṣṭam asvargyam akīrti-karam arjuna In his b...