Fight for? Bhisma bowed before Parasuram & quickly remounting his chariot, blew his mighty conch shell. Soon, fighting began in earnest as Parasuram rained 960 arrows upon Bhisma. The son of Ganga-devi said: O Preceptor, while fighting with you I’ll not aim my arrows at the Vedas, which you embody, nor your Brahminical status. Nor shall I attack the merit you have earned by executing severe austerities. I will simply aim at the kshatriya nature you have adopted to fight with me. Now, watch as I cut off your bow While saying this, Bhisma picked up an arrow that, which severed one of the ornamental horns at the end of Parasuram's bow. Indeed, that arrow made the bow drop from the warrior incarnation's hands. Bhisma then discharged 100 arrows that wounded Parasurama all over covering him with blood. Parasuram picked up another bow & as he continued to shower arrows, Bhisma also became severely wounded so that he began to tremble due to pain....