Destined or?
Vidura said to
Dhritrāshtra: You already knew well inherent evil of gambling & I warned
you about what would happen before the game of dice commenced. And yet, even
though your sons were like crows, you wanted them to vanquish Pāndavās, who are
like peacocks. You forsake mighty lions & instead protected envious jackals
O King! These are qualities
of a person in whom you should place your trust. One who is truthful, grateful,
peaceful in mind & a staunch controller of senses. He is devoid of
deceitful tendencies & his speech is always pleasing. You’ve forsaken pious
Yudhisthira & given rule of kingdom to Duryodhana, ensuring all your
prosperity will be lost
At this point
Dhritrāshtra objected saying: It’s my opinion that man is not the architect of
his prosperity or adversity. We are all controlled by destiny, which acts under
supervision of almighty creator. We are simply puppets dancing according to will
of the Supreme
Vidura said: You
may remember how at the time of Duryodhana’s birth, I had advised you to
abandon him for welfare of greater family. When rejection of something brings
about a great pain, it is not a loss. Similarly, the gain that in the long run
brings about a great loss is not actually a gain
interrupted saying: I can never abandon my sons, no matter what my intelligence
Vidura said: You
don’t understand how dangerous it is to associate with wicked people. One
should enjoy life peacefully along with one’s relatives. Why should you allow
yourself to be dragged into a family quarrel? Give Pāndavās at least some
villages & in this way avoid fighting with them
Dhritrāshtra said:
I am inclined to favor Pāndavās as you’re suggesting. But as soon as I meet my
son Duryodhana, my mind turns in another direction. I feel that I’ve no power to
exert myself. I can thus see how my life is being directed by all powerful
destiny. I don’t think that I don’t appreciate your good advice. Your talks are
enlightening & so I request you to speak for a while longer
Vidura said: Even
though I speak at great length, your convictions never change. I suggest you to
hear from Sanat Kumāra, so that your doubts may be dispelled. He is the
foremost authority on transcendental knowledge
Vidura is trying
his best to take Dhritrāshtra out of the path of his destruction. But will he succeed?
We also face
reversals in our life & may blame destiny for our situation. Why destiny has
been so unfair to me? It is quite natural to feel bad when things go wrong, but
it is not natural to perpetually wallow in those bad feelings. Life has to move
on & we should have maturity to recognize reality
Whatever has happened
is gone & cannot be changed. But we should focus on things that are still
changeable, which are under our control. Such pragmatic acceptance becomes
easier when we have a spiritual world-view
Krsna says
sarvatrānabhisnehas tat tat prāpya śubhāśubham
nābhinandati na dveṣṭi tasya prajñā pratiṣṭhitā
In the material
world, one who is unaffected by whatever good or evil he may obtain, neither
praising it nor despising it, is firmly fixed in perfect knowledge
Do we? Thoughts? #gameoflife
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