Destined or? Vidura said to Dhritrāshtra: You already knew well inherent evil of gambling & I warned you about what would happen before the game of dice commenced. And yet, even though your sons were like crows, you wanted them to vanquish Pāndavās, who are like peacocks. You forsake mighty lions & instead protected envious jackals O King! These are qualities of a person in whom you should place your trust. One who is truthful, grateful, peaceful in mind & a staunch controller of senses. He is devoid of deceitful tendencies & his speech is always pleasing. You’ve forsaken pious Yudhisthira & given rule of kingdom to Duryodhana, ensuring all your prosperity will be lost At this point Dhritrāshtra objected saying: It’s my opinion that man is not the architect of his prosperity or adversity. We are all controlled by destiny, which acts under supervision of almighty creator. We are simply puppets dancing according to will of the Su...