Constitutional position Great sage Mārkandeya arrived & Lord Krsna, Pāndavās & all brāhmanās got up from their seats to receive him. The illustrious sage even though was 1000’s of years old, appeared like a young man. As the sage was seated, Krsna requested him to narrate him some ancient histories to instill moral sense in listeners Yudhisthira said: I’m perplexed about how wicked sons of Dhritrāshtra are prospering & we’re suffering even though we act righteously. Pls explain what part God plays in man’s happiness & distress, for it seems to me that they are simply fruits of one’s endeavors. I would like to understand the concept of Karma. Are reactions to our work enjoyed in this life or life thereafter? If reactions are meted out in future life, how could there ever be cessation to the cycle of action & reaction and its resultant birth & death? The sage replied: Your questions are most praiseworthy & I’ll answer the...