Vidura-A gem to be kept close


In Hastinapur, Dhritrāshtra continued to consult Vidura about welfare of his sons & about how angry citizens could be won over. Vidura said: You should know that all kinds of success in fields of Dharma Artha & Kāma are derived by virtue alone. Therefore, you should treat your sons & the sons of Pāndu equally. This is the only way you could rectify the sinful course that you & your sons have taken. Give Pāndavās kingdom back & chastise the wicked Sakuni. If Duryodhana doesn’t agree to this, reject him once & for all


Only if Duryodhana agrees to rule the kingdom peacefully along with Pāndavās, can the situation be saved. Karna, Dushasana & Sakuni should engage in Yudhisthira’s service after begging his pardon. Because of his grave offense, Dushasana must publicly plead for forgiveness from Bhima & Draupadi. Under the present condition, this is the only advice I can give you my brother


Dhritrāshtra was not pleased hearing this & felt that Vidura’s advice was only meant for the benefit of Pāndavās. He said: I think you’re actually my enemy as you’re giving such crooked advice. Up until now I had respected you as virtuous & learned man, but from now on I’ll not listen to your counsel. You may go or stay as you like


After uttering these harsh words, Dhritrāshtra got up to retire to his room & Vidura also angrily departed, having decided to join the Pāndavās. He exclaimed: Kurus are now doomed


Meanwhile Pāndavās came to Kurukshetra, where they bathed in river Sarasvati. They then travelled from forest to forest before finally arriving at Kāmyavana, the abode of many sages situated on the banks of river Sarasvati. When Vidura arrived at the Kāmyaka forest on his chariot, he saw Yudhisthira sitting with Draupadi, surrounded by his brothers & many Brāhmanās. Seeing Vidura approaching, Yudhisthira asked Bhima-Is this a messenger from Sakuni, inviting us to once again play dice so that he can win our weapons?


Yudhisthira thought like this because he knew that the possession of their weapons was essential for winning back their kingdom at the end of the exile period. As Vidura came closer, the Pāndavās recognized him & so they hastily got up to welcome him. After seating Vidura in their midst, Pāndavās made usual enquiries & allowed him to rest


Later when asked about the purpose of the visit, Vidura said: Dhritrāshtra became very anxious after your departure as he finally understood the precarious situation of his sons. He asked me what needs to be done & when I mentioned that his sons should beg forgiveness from you, he didn’t like my words & gave me permission to depart & so I’ve come here to join you. Who can tolerate such insults?


Yudhisthira said-Dear Uncle! Having gained association of such a highly intelligent person as yourself, we shall never fail to do as you advise. Pls stay with us & guide us what we need to do, and we shall abide by your words


Fools throw diamonds considering them as stones. An intelligent man does not only make his informed decision, but also has courage to listen to the honest advice, when he falters. We all make mistakes in course of our actions but there is always light at the end of the tunnel if we listen to our true well-wishers who abide by the principles of Dharma and do not get swayed by emotions. Such advisors should always be cherished beyond the sways of our mind and be kept close


The course of Kurus eventual destruction could have been corrected if Vidura’s advice was heeded by Dhritrāshtra

Do we value our Vidura’s in personal & professional lives?




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