How we stoop so low?
Yudhisthira was Dharmaraj’s son & was very virtuous person, still he gambled his own wife Draupadi in the gambling match. This shows that even the most virtuous person could get caught in the frenzy of gambling. So much so that his intelligence couldn't discriminate the extent to which he lost control on himself. The gambling fever catches the person & deranges him
When he was invited, Yudhisthira was very hesitant to take part in gambling as he felt that it would lead to conflict with his cousins and would ultimately lead to war. In fact, Vidura warned him of the catastrophic consequences and left to his wise judgement to either participate or reject the invitation. However, he was goaded to play & the fever caught him to play more & more
As he was playing Yudhisthira was thinking that he had lost so much, he lost all his wealth, weapons, kingdom etc & thought to win it back at each further bet. He was expecting to win all back & was trying his luck to turn the tables. In this hope he put his brothers Nakula & Sahadev but lost. Sakuni goaded him further saying it looks like that Madri’s sons & his stepbrothers were not dear to him & hence he put them at stake. Why not he put Bhima & Arjuna at stake?
Yudhisthira was infuriated & caught in this dilemma, he wagered Arjuna & Bhima as well. People will get under our skin to entice us to serve their own ulterior purpose, but we should be in control of our ego and not fall in the trap. He lost his brothers as well
Yudhisthira then staked himself & lost himself too. He was now bewildered was very much ashamed of himself
When Sakuni further goaded him to stake his wife Draupadi, Yudhisthira was shocked at the prospect. Infact the whole assembly was aghast at this and let out a sigh. The elders put their faces down and were ashamed that such thing is happening at the assembly where they were present
Yudhisthira then thought that as he has lost himself together with his brothers, who would protect Draupadi now. He & other Pāndavās were now slaves of Kauravas & surely if he stakes Draupadi, maybe he would be able to win her & everything back. Yudhisthira was not correct in his thinking, but this is what was going on his mind. At this point he decided to go ahead to gamble his wife

The rest is history! This one incident changed the course of events in future leading to huge destruction at the battlefield of Mahabharata
Ultimately this all was orchestrated by the Supreme Lord so that He can establish the truth that there is nothing, absolutely nothing that can protect us except Krsna. We also need to realize this & follow the instructions of the Supreme Lord
sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja
ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ
Abandon all varieties of religion & just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reactions. Do not fear
Huge lesson for us having implication in our life both at work & otherwise
Thoughts? #gameoflife


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