
As Yudhisthira put Draupadi at stake & lost her, Duryodhana ordered Vidura-Bring Draupadi so that she can begin working as our maid

Vidura said: Wretch! Don’t you know that speaking such harsh words you’re binding yourself with strong ropes & placing yourself over a precipice? You, like a deer is provoking angry tigers. In my opinion Draupadi hasn’t become your slave. The King had already lost himself & so he is not in position to wager Draupadi or anything else. Having lost himself, he is no longer his own master


Duryodhana, no one should utter harsh words that pierces heart of another, & one shouldn't conquer his enemies by playing dice or any such foul means. One should never utter words that're against Vedic injunctions, annoys others & lead to hell. Don’t take wealth of Pāndavās & thus make them your enemies

The sons of Pāndu never utter such harsh words. Only persons who’re low like dogs employ harsh speech. Your cruel words are most abominable & they’ll lead you to hell. Rest assured that your offenses will bring disaster not only upon you but upon heads of all those following you


Being intoxicated with pride, Duryodhana curtly replied: To hell with Vidura! He then called a servant & ordered him to bring Draupadi. After coming to her, servant said: Your husband wagered you in the gambling match & lost. Therefore you must accompany me & take up some menial work in the service of your new masters


Being shocked upon receiving the news, Draupadi inquired: How could Yudhisthira dare to put me at stake in a gambling match? Which king would bet his wife while playing dice? He is certainly intoxicated with gambling. Servant said: The king was certainly reluctant to wager you, because he did so only after losing everything including his own self


Hearing this, intelligent Draupadi ordered: Go back to assembly to ascertain who was lost first, Yudhisthira or me?


Upon his return to assembly, servant said to Yudhisthira: Your wife wishes to know who was lost first-She or You? Having become completely bereft of reason, Yudhisthira simply sat without making reply. Seeing this Duryodhana ordered servant: Bring Draupadi here so that she can ask the question directly to her husband


The servant went back reluctantly distressed at this thankless task & said to Draupadi-Duryodhana wants you to come to assembly & ask your question directly to your husband. I’m sure Duryodhana is bringing ruination upon himself doing this


Draupadi said: Pls go on my behalf & make appeal to all elders in assembly. Tell them that I’ll follow whatever they ascertain to be truthful & moral

They all sat silent

Saying truth at right time, place & to relevant person is truly important. If not then the same truth haunts us for a life time. Courage to speak truth has its roots in the confidence we have in our learnings from scriptures & the bigger meaning of our speech per principles

This makes study of scriptures all the more important

Thoughts? #gameoflife


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