We all are responsible! As the servant returned once again to assembly & relayed Draupadi’s question to elders about following moral path, everyone remained silent, with their heads lowered in shame. They knew very well Duryodhana’s determination & were afraid to contradict him Yudhisthira then ordered a trusted messenger: Go quickly & tell Draupadi that she should come before assembly & with tears in her eyes make an appeal to Dhritrāshtra herself. At this time other Pāndavās couldn’t decide what to do, overwhelmed with grief & duty bound to follow their elder brother Duryodhana’s servant could not bear to approach Draupadi again & seeing this derided him for being a coward & commanded Dushasana to bring her by force. Dushasana received this order with great delight & after coming before Draupadi said: You’ve been won by Kauravas & so now you must appear before the assembly Because she was in her menstrual period, D...