Rise not Fall!
Tilottamā bowed before Lord Brahmā & said-Pls inform me about purpose for which I’ve been created. Go to Sunda & Upsunda who are staying at Kurukshetra & captivate them with your exquisite beauty, said Brahmā. Bring them under your control first & then act in such a way that 2 demons quarrel with one another. The damsel accepted the order, circumambulated the assembled demigods & sages and set out on her mission
After Sunda & Upsunda conquered the 3 worlds & had no more rivals, they considered that there was nothing more to achieve. Utilizing the wealth they had amassed, the began to enjoy life like demigods passing their time in company of beautiful women, who sang their glories. One day Tilottamā came to the brothers as they were seated in heavenly garden. Wearing only a single piece of red silk that amply exposed her feminine allurements, she entered the garden as if to pick some flowers
The brothers intoxicated with wine, became captivated by her beauty & under sway of insatiable lust, got up from their seats, each hoping to possess the girl. Although Sunda was quicker & grabbed Tilottamā by right hand, both thought her to be for them alone. Being overly proud of their excessive strength & wealth, & overpowered by burning lust, Sunda & Upsunda became enraged & thus forgot their brotherly love
Shouting-I saw her first & this girl is mine, they picked up heavy clubs & began violently striking one another. Before long both brothers fell mortally wounded, bathed in blood. Other demons & their consorts ran away in fear & later took shelter in other regions. After death of brothers, Lord Brahmā was very pleased with Tilottamā & blessed her by saying-You may now take up permanent residence in heaven. Because of your splendor, no one will be able to gaze upon you for any length of time
Brahmā returned the sovereignty of 3 worlds to Indra & after doing so, departed to his abode
Thus concluding the story, Nārada advised Pāndavās-You should make arrangement to ensure that you never quarrel over Draupadi. After hearing sage’s advice, 5 brothers consulted one another & a plan was formulated to avoid any misunderstanding amongst themselves
Yudhisthira then said-O Devarsi! We have made following rule. As long as any one of us is sitting with Draupadi, the others must not see them. If any one of us happens to see one of his brothers sitting with Draupadi, then he must retire to forest for 12 years observing Brahmacharya. Nārada was pleased with this arrangement & then departed
Krsna says in BG
saṅgāt sañjāyate kāmaḥ kāmāt krodho ’bhijāyate
krodhād bhavati sammohaḥ sammohāt smṛti-vibhramaḥ
smṛti-bhraṁśād buddhi-nāśo buddhi-nāśāt praṇaśyati
While contemplating the objects of
the senses, a person develops attachment for them, and from such attachment
lust develops, and from lust anger arises. From anger, complete delusion
arises, and from delusion bewilderment of memory. When memory is bewildered,
intelligence is lost, and when intelligence is lost one falls down again into
the material pool
Are we cautious? Thoughts? #gameoflife