Once Dronācharya took his disciples to Gangā to bathe. As Drona was within water, an alligator suddenly came & forcibly seized him by the thigh. Even though he was quite capable to free himself from its grip, Drona anxiously called for help. As all stood dumbfounded, Arjun hurriedly killed the alligator with 5 arrows
Because of Arjun’s skill & alertness, Dronācharya as reward gave him the use of Brahmāstra along with ability to retract it, but warned not to invoke this weapon against a weaker enemy such as an ordinary human being, as such a rash act will lead to destruction of entire universe
As training was completed, Drona went to Dhritrāshtra & said-Now that the education of your sons & their cousins is complete, I’d like to hold an exhibition to demonstrate their acquired skills. Vidura made necessary arrangements & when the day of tournament arrived, all members of Kuru dynasty assembled together with the citizens. A huge sea of people witnessed spectacle
Dronācharya with by his son came first & Pāndavās & Kauravās followed. As exhibition commenced, all princes displayed their skills & audience were filled with wonder at remarkable feats performed & applauded
Bhima & Duryodhana entered wielding maces. Both heroes summoned all their energy, flexed their muscle & circled one another roaring like infuriated elephants. The spectators immediately began to take sides & when Drona saw how audience were becoming agitated, he ordered his son to restrain combatants. Drona then announced appearance of Arjun in arena
As Arjun entered with conchshells blowing & musicians playing, crowd became ecstatic just by seeing him. Arjun then displayed prowess of numerous celestial weapons. He created fire with Agni & put it out with water by Varuna weapon. He made clouds appear in sky & with Vayavaya weapon dispersed them with strong wind. He created land with Bhauma, mountains with Parvataya & then used Antardhana weapon to make these creations disappear
Arjun shot 21 arrows into the hollow of a cow’s horn that was hanging by a rope & was swinging back & forth. All were astonished & delighted by the many wonderful feats of Arjun
Duryodhana wasn't happy seeing unparalleled prowess of Arjun & his heart burnt with envy against his cousin. Can someone challenge Arjun?
When we see inequality between what others have & what we don’t have, this disparity could incite craving which if unfulfilled can trigger enormous envy. When one becomes envious, they are motivated not so much by what they're deprived of but are more agitated towards the privileged. This triggers virulent & violent reaction. Envy targets the envied but torments the envious
As Gita explains, the promise of equality must be based on spiritual self-understanding. The equality is not on material level but on premise that we all are souls which are part of one Super soul. Our happiness depends not only on material progress but on reality of who we are spiritually
Thoughts? #gameoflife