
Hanumān giving full account of Rām’s journey during exile, said-As Vānara army fought demons in Lankā, Nila killed Prahasta, Laxman killed Indrajit & Rām himself killed Kumbhkarna & Rāvan. Illustrious Rām then happened to meet Indra, Yama, Varuna & Shiva, who praised his exploits & bestowed boons. He also met King Dasaratha, sages and other celestials

Rām then flew on aerial chariot Pushpaka Vimāna to Kishkindha along with Vānaras & has now reached coast of river Ganga. You’ll be able to see your brother in the Pushyayoga without any obstacle

Bharat was gladdened to hear Rām’s impending return to Ayodhya from Hanumān. He offered his salutation by joining his palms & said-My desire has been fulfilled indeed after a long time. He shed copious tears of joy & was in ecstasy

Bharata then commanded Shatrughna (who also was delighted at this terrific news)-Let men of good conduct offer worship to their family deities. Let bards well-versed in singing praises & Puranas legends, all panegyrists proficient in the use of musical instruments & courtesans assemble, the queen-mothers, ministers, army-men & their wives, brahmanas accompanied by Kshatriyas, leaders of guilds of traders & artisans, all come out to see the moon-like countenance of Rām

Shatrughna called 1000's of laborers & ordered them to level all roads from Nandigram to Ayodhya be levelled & paved. Let entire ground be sprinkled with rose water. Parched grains & flowers be strewn all over. Let streets of Ayodhya be lined with flags & all roadside dwellings be decorated. Main royal highway be sprinkled with five fragrant colors, rows of garlands & loose flowers

On hearing the command of Shatrughna, Dhrusti Jayanta Vijaya Siddhartha Arthsadhaka Ashoka Mantrapala & Sumantra, the ministers proceeded with joy. Many rode on thousands of well-adorned elephants bearing banners. Some others rode on female-elephants provided with golden girths, along with those elephants. Excellent chariot-warriors issued forth in their chariots, with speed, some on horses carrying flags, javelins, spears and other weapons sallied forth together with foot soldiers in fine gears

It was a huge festival & all the citizens of Ayodhya were so joyous that they forgot self, their families and were immersed in Rām consciousness. So much love, ecstasy & intense emotions rose in their hearts and outpoured in their acts to welcome their beloved Rām back to Ayodhya & see him anointed as their King

Unconditional love is an expression of heart. We are all at our core spiritual beings meant to relish eternal joy. Surrendering to & serving the Supreme Lord, who is all attractive reservoir of happiness is our foremost means to be blissful. When we mistakenly seek pleasure in worldly objects that offer fleeting pleasure, it binds us and deprives us of the ultimate pleasure of devotional absorption

sarva-dharmān parityajya mām ekaṁ śaraṇaṁ vraja

ahaṁ tvāṁ sarva-pāpebhyo mokṣayiṣyāmi mā śucaḥ

Thoughts? #gameoflife


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