Serve! All the mothers, wife of deceased king Dasaratha, Kaushalya, Sumitra & Keikeyi reached Nandigram mounting their chariots to meet Rām Placing wooden sandals of his brother on his head & taking white parasol (intended for Rām) adorned with white garlands and 2 white whisks decorated with gold, worthy of kings, accompanied by foremost Brahmanas, leaders of guilds of traders & artisans including mercantile class, surrounded by counselors with garlands & bell-shaped sweets in their hands, cheered by blast of conches & kettledrums, duly praised by panegyrists, great-souled Bharata, whose mind was set on righteousness, who was well-versed with secrets of virtue, who was emaciated through fasting, who felt miserable & was clad in bark of trees & skin of a black antelope, experienced joy for first time hearing news of arrival of his brother. He then went in advance along with his ministers, to meet Rām Earth seemed to shake with sound of horse-hoofs, rat...