Self-control or? Virāta realized how much he had offended Maharāj Yudhisthira. Desiring to please the Pāndavās, he offered his beautiful young daughter Uttarā to Arjun. He then humbly approached Yudhisthira & for the purpose of making an alliance, offered his entire kingdom to Pāndavās to rule. Virāta repeatedly embraced all Pāndavās with great affection & once again requested Arjun to accept the hand of his daughter in marriage Arjun replied: O King! I shall happily accept Uttarā as my daughter-in-law Virāta was a little disappointed & so he asked: My dear Arjun! Why are you unwilling to accept my daughter as your wife? Arjun explained: I have been living with Uttarā for the past year & during that time I have always treated her like a daughter. Besides, since she has already attained the age of puberty, people will doubt whether she has remained a virgin while we were living together. By accepting her as my daughter-in-law, I am testifying to her p...