Blindness! As Krpā begged Duryodhana to make peace with Pāndavās, he said-how will Bhima agree to forgo his vow to kill me, along with all my brothers? How could the Pāndavās, Krsna & Subhadra be expected to forget the killing of Abhimanyu? How could Krsna forgive the offenses I committed when He came to Hastinapur as an envoy? My dear Krpā, even if I were to beg for peace, the Pāndavās would never believe my words, since I had formerly cheated them while playing dice. Besides, I have become accustomed to having unrivalled sovereignty over the earth. How could I remain satisfied being Maharāj Yudhisthira’s subordinate, humbly following him in the shadows? For all these reasons I will never be able to surrender to Sri Krsna & Yudhisthira My dear Brāhmana, I have already performed numerous sacrifices, I have given away vast amount of wealth in charity to the brāhmanās, and I have enjoyed everything possible for a human being to enjoy. Let me now die upon th...